Whats difference between hosted and download version?+
Functionally there is no difference. With the hosted service
our team maintains the software for you however, manages
bandwidth cost with our partnership with Amazon S3, and has
a small monthly payment.
We also utilize caching in the hosted environment to serve
your ads faster,
Is the hosted service reliable?+
Serving ads -- especially on high traffic sites is no easy
task. Ad Peeps records a mass amount of information such as
ip addresses, browsers, hourly statistics ect. As such we
don't take performance lightly. We have invested in our
technology to ensure continuous, fast and reliable service.
Some ways we do this is:
1. Hourly backup to second provider.
2. Your ads are stored at Amazon S3 at no charge to you --
we pay this as well as locally.
3. We maintain all servers and software to ensure reliable
and consistent service.
4. We cache some ad results to ease database load. Read how
we use memcache here
How is billing handled?+
Ad Peeps Hosted is month-to-month with no contracts. You can
cancel at anytime as well as upgrade/downgrade plans.
How many sites can I place the html code on?+
We don't monitor how many urls you paste the html code on --
therefore its unlimited. We just monitor your monthly usage.
Can we brand Ad Peeps Hosted with our own url?+
Yes! DNS Private Branding allows you to conceal the Ad Peeps
Hosted URL from your visitors/advertisers. The
control panel, ad calls, and advertiser login screens would
appear to originate from a sub-domain on
your website while still reliably being served, monitored,
and maintained on our domain and server
Are there any additional cost with the hosted service?+
No. The monthly fee per the plan is the only cost you will
pay. The coupon module as well as the geotargeting database
are are included and installed automatically.
What happens if I go over my allocated limits?+
You will start to get notices when you're nearing your
impressions limit. You will get notices every few days as
well. You account will remain displaying ads as long as you
don't exceed 25% overage.
Some key things to remember.
1) Our system will only suspend your account after notifying
you over several days. By time accounts are suspended, they
would have received at least 3 notices spread two days apart
since our system will not check your account again for 2 days
after a notice is sent.
2) You must go over your limit by 25% before it will suspend
your account.
My ads are being served from Amazon.com?+
Ad Peeps Hosted Solution utilizes Amazon S3 – at no cost to
you, to provide redundancy in serving your uploaded banner
advertisements as well as a failover provider in the event
of an unexpected hardware failure at our data center.
In the event of a failure, our entire database will switch
to a backup copy on a completely different web host.
Meanwhile, your ads will continue running using the Amazon
S3 service.
Amazon S3 provides a highly durable storage infrastructure
designed for mission-critical and primary data storage.
Objects are redundantly stored on multiple devices across
multiple facilities in an Amazon S3 Region.
Help!, I forgot my login information.+
Your e-mail address is your login name.
On the main login screen, there is a Forgot Password link.
Input the e-mail address you have in your systems and the
software will e-mail you your password hint (if available)
or a link to reset your password.
How can I cancel my account?+
You can cancel your subscription at any time -- there are no
contracts. Click on the Contact Us and provide the following:
1. Your account number (can be found on any e-mails we send
you or inside the control panel under My Account)
2. If possible a reason for cancelling so we can improve our
Your request will be processed however there are NO REFUNDS
for unused credits in your account. Customers may wish to
use the account up until the last expiration date since that
month is already pre-paid.
We won't delete your information from our system for about
90 days so you can come back within that period and have
your ads, statistics still in tact.
What ad sizes does Ad Peeps support?+
Ad Peeps does not have any restrictions on ad sizes. You can
upload any size you want. Most sizes are on the drop down
list however Ad Peeps will try to automatically detect the
size you're using.
We recommend use standard sizes however as set forth by
http://www.iab.net/ad_unitM so that your advertisers would
most likely have artwork within these guidelines.
How can I update my credit card information?+
Login to your account. There will be a "My Account" link on
the top left corner of screen.
Click it to for the following features:
1) Update Billing Information
For your security, we do not store your Credit Card
information on our servers whatsoever or for any period of time.
Therefore, when updating your payment information, your card
will be charged immediately and passed to our merchant
provider to update the information on their end.
This will ensure we have a
1) new valid number and
2) an
authorization that matches the address of the card for all
future billings.
We recommend that you update your card on or close to your
previous billing cycle so you don't have overlapping billing.
If using PayPal, a new subscription will be created. So you
will need to login to your PayPal account to cancel the OLD
Instructions for canceling old Paypal subscription:
Login to your PayPal account. In the top menu, click the
History link.
Below the date selection boxes, hover over the rightmost
link "More Filters", move your mouse over "Subscriptions and
Agreements", then click on "Subscriptions".
Change the date range to match the date the subscription
you're looking for was created.
How can I upgrade/downgrade my monthly plan?+
Login to your account. There will be a "My Account" link on
the top left corner of screen.
Click it to for the following features:
1) Update Billing Information
2) Upgrade / Downgrade plans
3) View Payment History
4) View Usage History
How can I view my payment history?+
Login to your account. There will be a "My Account" link on
the top left corner of screen.
Click it to for the following features:
3) View Payment History
4) View Usage History
How can I view my usage history?+
Login to your account. There will be a "My Account" link on
the top left corner of screen.
Click it to for the following features:
4) View Usage History
How often are statistics updated?+
In our hosted solution, most statistics are updated in
real-time. However, certain ads such as ones that you set to
never expire are updated approx. every 30 min to ensure
optimal performance.
Learn more about which statistics we update right away and
which ones we defer in a batch process here:
Where do I login to control panel?+
Hosted customers can login using two urls.
http://hosted.adpeeps.com or
You may however have uploaded your own custom logo or
background color. In these cases, you should use the UNIQUE
URL provided in your welcome e-mails to distribute to your
This will allow Ad Peeps Hosted to show your unique account
information to your users.
I need more impressions than available on your pricing page?+
Our pricing page contains just a few of our offerings that
meet the expectations generally of our client base.
Our system however can be expanded to support other
impression limits.
Contact us with your requirements and we will quote you.
A full list of prices are available here:
I am on the hosted trial, how do I become a PAID Subscriber?+
When you login as Administrator there is a "My Account" link
at the top left section of the screen.
A window will appear with various options.
Select the plan you're interested in by clicking "Select Monthly
I am receiving alerts/notification that I am near my
impressions limit but I just paid a few days ago. Why didn't
my stats reset?+
Ad Peeps Hosted has a simplified billing and recording
system. We reset ALL accounts on the first of each month.
This makes accounting, and research rather simple.
Therefore, if you purchased 1 Million impressions per month
on Jan 1. You would get 1 Million impressions allocated to you.
However if you purchased 1 Million impressions on Jan 20, we
would automatically prorate your impressions (give you a
credit for the number of days outside the Jan 1 reset period).
So for example, you may receive 2 million monthly
impressions while only paying for 1.
Your account will reset back to 0 on the first of each month at
Help! I can still see a recently deleted ad, or can't see an
ad I just uploaded.+
Ad Peeps Hosted uses caches to reduce very expensive
database calls and to replicate to our network of servers.
As the administrator testing the system, this is more
apparent because your testing for a particular ad right
after removal or addition.
We try to strike a good balance with caching however. Here
are some basic rules we always follow.
1) Caching is always IP Address specific, which means if you
don't see the data, a new person visiting your site would
because they would not be cached yet.
2) Caching is not forever. In fact, our ad cache can only
live within the hour it was created. This means that if the
cache was created at 5:50 it will only live for 10 min., if
created at 5:00 it would take an hour for you to see the
3) Caching is zone, ad size specific. So if you uploaded an
ad to a new zone you would see the results right away.
Learn more about how we use caching to deliver your ads as
fast as possible at
What is the difference between Unique and Raw Impressions /
Unique Impressions / Clicks – The summation of visitors
(based on user IP Address) that have seen or clicked an ad
for the very first time within a 24 hour period.
Raw Impressions / Clicks – The summation of visitors (based
on user IP Address) that have seen or clicked an ad more
than once within a 24 hour period.
Total Impressions / Clicks – The summation of Unique and Raw
Impressions / Clicks. In other words, the total number of
times an ad has been viewed or clicked.
Read our Guide at
Is there a limit to how many banners I can upload or advertisers that I can
We don't have any system limitations in place at this time.
We reserve the right to add limits if necessary or usage trends effect
performance of other users but typically each account could have hundreds of
thousands of ads.
How many months/days do you retain statistics?+
PHP/MYSQL statistics are kept until you delete them. For
hosted customers, we keep the aggregate or summary data
forever as apart of the advertisers permanent record.
However the hourly and day-to-day metrics come at a very
expensive price in terms of space needed to store as well as
performance since Ad Peeps has to index and maintain this
massive data.
Those records are stored for about 90 days.
Does the Default Ad count against my impressions limit?+
No, default ad is not counted against your impressions.
Does this support multiple domains?+
Yes, The Shared Account feature allows you to create completely separate accounts
each with their own branding, account numbers, statistics etc. The only difference is
that the shared account will share the impressions limits of the main account and use
their associated billing. This is ideal when managing multiple websites and you you'd
like to keep things separate or if you're a developer that may provide this service as a
benefit to your clients.
Visit Features / Settings > Share Account
A guide has been published here:
Can I show ads using SSL?+
How can I migrate from the PHP/MYSQL version to the hosted?+
In order to move to the hosted and retain your ads, settings, etc you will
need migration services. We provide this free to you.
If you have access to your Ad Peeps software control panel you can login
as admin and visit Other Features / Settings > Perform System
Then make a backup of the following tables ONLY.
adpeeps_campaigns - Stores your advertiser information
adpeeps_ads - Stores the ads and their settings
adpeeps_auth - Stores the passwords
adpeeps_targetzone - Stores the targeting zones setup
adpeeps_statistics_summary - Stores the summarized statistics so that
you can keep the totals
adpeeps_pricelist - Stores the pricing information
adpeeps_settings - Stores the settings such as logo and other options
Send this file to support@adpeeps.com or upload it to your web server and
provide us the link
Passthrough Custom Affiliate Link or Other Parameter to a URL+
If you have a need to pass through a custom parameter to the click
URL of a website.
For example:
You can accomplish this with Ad Peeps Hosted. Follow the setup
instructions below:
1. In the Ad Peeps HTML Code you will need to tell Ad Peeps the VALUE of
the parameter you want to pass by adding:
For example, if you want to pass affid=128373 to yahoo.com link, you
would need to
append "&xx_passthru=12345" to the Ad Peeps HTML Code where it calls
Notice the code at the very end. Be sure not to add affid or any other
characters as the software won't recognize this at this point.
2. Now, in the "Website URL" field locating in the Configuration tab of the
Ad Setup, you would plug in the passthrough variable like this:
3. When the ad is clicked, Ad Peeps will send the user to:
What are the installation requirements?-
Ad Peeps was designed and built to work on all major web
host - on Windows and Linux based O/S.
The following requirements will ensure a smooth installation
on your website.
1) PHP
(http://www.php.net ) 5.1 and higher
- file_uploads should be on to allow banner images to be
uploaded from hard-drive
- mail function – built-into PHP to send e-mails
(http://www.mysql.com) 5.1 and higher
3) SSL-enabled curl extension – required to connect to
PayPal IPN and/or Authorize.net
4) Minimum 50 MB RAM
Are all the features available in the 7 day trial?+
Yes - We do no block any features in the trial as the trial
version is the ACTUAL full-version of the software with the
license lock feature turned off.
As such if you decide to purchase Ad Peeps after the trial
period you will not loose any data or have to redo your ads
or configuration.
How much are updates and how often?+
Starting Feb. 2014, updates are free for 12 months when
purchase of software.
To make the update schedule easier to understand, we will
update Ad Peeps 3 times per year (about every 4 Months).
This makes our product extremely competitive and lowers your
total cost of ownership.
After the year period, you can purchase an Update package
that will give you another 12 months of updates. Check out
Pricing Page for the latest rates.
To Download the Latest Update, visit:
http://adpeeps.com/generate_license.php and enter your
Transaction ID.
If you don't recall this, no worries you can have it sent to
the e-mail used to purchase Ad Peeps.
You are required to pay for any "bonus" modules that are
pure enhancements and work outside of the normal
functionality of the software such as Coupon Modules.
Is ad software resource intensive?+
Ad Peeps PHP/MYSQL software is designed to run leanly in a
shared hosted environment.
While Ad Peeps is optimized to run with a small foot-print,
it’s critically important to understand the nature of a
complete ad management system such as Ad Peeps.
For starters, the software is recording a significant amount
of information; IP Addresses, impressions, clicks, browser
details, geographic information (if installed) – even hourly
For a very busy and popular website, this could equate to
Gigabytes worth of statistical data very quickly. In
addition, ad servers typically are busy 24/7 with no breaks
since people are accessing your ads presumably as long as
your website is up and functioning in every time zone.
As such we strongly recommend that your ad management system
is installed on a server that has plenty of memory, CPU to
handle the load – especially during
peak hours.
Read more about performance here:
I am a download customer however now interested in hosted.
Can I upload my data from my database into the hosted solution?+
No, sorry. While the tables are identical the account
numbers are not. Your local copy most likely starts with
10000 and our hosted system would vary because of other
customers on the system.
I forgot my login Password+
Your username is always admin.
On the main login screen, there is a Forgot Password link.
Input the e-mail address you have in your systems and the
software will e-mail you your password hint (if available)
or a link to reset your password.
What ad sizes does Ad Peeps support?+
Ad Peeps does not have any restrictions on ad sizes. You can
upload any size you want. Most sizes are on the drop down
list however Ad Peeps will try to automatically detect the
size you're using.
We recommend use standard sizes however as set forth by
http://www.iab.net/ad_unit so that your advertisers would
most likely have artwork within these guidelines.
What does your installation service entail?+
We charge $25 PER DOMAIN we install Ad Peeps on.
This small fee includes the following.
1. Upload all program files via FTP to your web server
2. Setup your mysql database (via control panel if you don't
have setup)
3. Testing installation
If you purchase a license at time of install, we will also
plug that in. Otherwise by default you will be placed on the
trial to give you time to evaluate Ad Peeps.
You can also install Ad Peeps yourself by following the
instructions at
How often is the software updated?+
We aim to release an update -- including bug
fixes, new features, or enhancements approx. every 4 months.
January, May and September
Can the language of Ad Peeps be translated?+
Yes! Most advertiser-facing screens can be translated into
the language of your choice. The following screens currently
can be translated into another language:
1. Login Screen
2. Advertiser Statistics
3. Ad Rates Card
4. Advertiser Statistics
5. Account Information
6. Payment History
7. Advertiser Graphs
Detailed instructions can be found at:
Can I resell Ad Peeps?+
No. All licenses must be purchased through AdPeeps.com. If
you are a web developer, you may purchase a copy on behalf
of your client and bill them for it. However, you may not
present yourself as an official reseller.
How do I generate my license code(s)?+
After you purchase a 1, 3, or 5 domain license you can
generate the license for each domain at
NOTE: If you purchased multiple licenses, you don't need to
generate all the codes right away, as we store them in our
database. Just revisit this page when you're ready!
You will need your transaction ID found on your e-mail
receipt to access the system.
My currency symbol or translated language shows invalid or
junk characters.+
Ad Peeps uses a default character set of UTF-8. However to
properly show some characters correctly,
you may need to modify the character set that supports your
To do that, edit the head_foot.php file and find the following
Change to the character set you desire such as:
I received an e-mail from my Ad Peeps software saying:
The auto_cron.php script encountered an error while
executing some task.
Software Url:
Error:Table './database_name/adpeeps_ads' is marked as
crashed and should be repaired
Contact Ad Peeps Support for help resolving if needed.
In some rare instances, MYSQL database table may crash. If
you experience, this you should run the following command
from PHPMYADMIN or similar tool:
REPAIR TABLE table_name;
You can also try to login as administrator, Ad Peeps will
try to auto repair the table for you since when logging in
as admin it checks the table health.
When generating the PHP Html Code we receive the following
Warning: include() [function.include]: http:// wrapper is
disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0 +
This is a PHP security issue. You are trying to include a URL
which is not allowed.
Instead change to the absolute path of the adpeeps.php and
Settings screen is blank (can't save)? +
If its blank next to the CURL section it is
because,curl_init which is a function we use to connect to
Paypal for example has been disabled.
You will need to:
- Remove the curl_init string from the disable_functions at
php.ini* file
- Ask your hosting provider to remove the string above if
you don't have an access to the php.ini* file
- Change hosting provider which allows the running of the
curl_init function.
You could also open the maintenance.php file and place a
comment next to that string but these functions wouldn't be
Why can't advertisers select their own target zones?+
When an advertiser purchases ads on your website, the zone
selection is predefined so that advertisers don't have to
figure out what zone corresponds to the placement location
and simplifies the purchase process.
Another key reason this is not allowed is because many
websites charge different rates based on target zone.
Allowing an advertiser to select would in-effect allow them
to purchase the lowest cost package and then select a higher
priced ad placement.
What is the difference between Unique and Raw Impressions /
Unique Impressions / Clicks – The summation of visitors
(based on user IP Address) that have seen or clicked an ad
for the very first time within a 24 hour period.
Raw Impressions / Clicks – The summation of visitors (based
on user IP Address) that have seen or clicked an ad more
than once within a 24 hour period.
Total Impressions / Clicks – The summation of Unique and Raw
Impressions / Clicks. In other words, the total number of
times an ad has been viewed or clicked.
Read our Guide at
How do I uninstall Ad Peeps?+
To uninstall Ad Peeps from your web server you would.
1) Delete all files from the code tree such as removing the
entire /adpeeps directory
2) Delete/Drop the adpeeps DATABASE created in MYSQL through
This completely removes Ad Peeps from your web server.
Can we white label the software?+
Publishers can do the following to white label the software:
1. Remove our logo from the control panel and upload your
2. Change background colors
3. Modify the head_foot.php file which controls the layout, etc
4. Change style sheets
5. Rename the /adpeeps folder to something like /ads or
adrotator if you choose.
Of course, support can't troubleshoot any issues caused by
modifying files themselves.
When e-mails are sent from system, they will appear from
your e-mail address and if provided in the settings will also
contain your signature.
Your advertisers would never contact Ad Peeps for any
support as that relationship is established between you (our
client) and us, IMPACT Software Company.
Can I hide the version that appears on login page for security?+
Yes. Starting in version 9.1.14, you can hide the version by
completing the following:
Edit the mysqlauth.php file located in your /adpeeps directory.
$hide_version = 1; // Hides Ad Peeps Version
anywhere after the first line
Save file and retest.
The login screen is blank however ads still appear+
The most likely cause is you have an old and incompatible
version of Ad Peeps.
Host are starting to upgrade to PHP 5.4 and greater.
For older versions of Ad Peeps there were features that were
We release updates about 4 times a year and encourage
customers to keep their software up to date for a few reasons.
1. Security fixes
2. Bug Fixes
3. New Features and Enhancements
- PHP 5.4x compatibility update - Parameter names that
shadow super globals now cause a fatal error. This prohibits
code like function foo($_GET, $_POST) {}.
To see if your software is eligible for a free upgrade visit:
I would like to be notified of updates.+
Ad Peeps is updated every 4 months, thats about 3 times per
From within your Ad Peeps software you can add yourself to
our e-mail list. After every update, we will download that list
and send the message to all users who have subscribed.
1. Login to Ad Peeps as administrator
2. Navigate to Other Features/ Settings > Settings /
3. In the Software Update Notice field, toggle Enable/Disable
To change e-mail addresses or to update the administrator e-
Toggle it to Disable with the OLD administrator Email then
SAVE changes.
This will notify our server to STOP emailing the old
administrator e-mail address.
Then, update the administrator e-mail address with your new
address and click Enable.
Save Changes.
How do I add custom fields to collect additional advertiser
Ad Peeps allows administrators to assign custom fields used
to store business specific information such as internal
identification numbers of advertisers. The information can
be optional or required and the setup is as easy as
modifying the language file.
View guide here:
I have lost my admin password.+
You can reset your Admin password by visiting the login
screen and clicking the "Forgot Password" link. Check your
e-mail and junk folder and follow the instructions.
If you ALSO don't have access to the e-mail address in the
Settings section, you will have to update the table with a
new address and then follow the step above.
The MYSQL Statement is:
UPDATE adpeeps_settings SET admin_email = 'YOUR EMAIL HERE'
where accno = '100000';
This will update 1 row.
If you don't have access to update MYSQL or PHPMYADMIN
contact your web host for assistance.
Can we rename the adpeeps.php to something else like ads.php?+
Yes however we don't recommend it as future updates you would have to
repeat the same steps.
If you want to continue.
1. Open adpeeps.php and find and replace adpeeps.php with ads.php
2. Open adpeeps_functions.php and replace adpeeps.php with ads.php
Save changes.
Html code generator will now generate new code with ads.php and clicks
will be directed to ads.php
The PHP/MYSQL Trial is no longer available.+
Ad Peeps PHP/MYSQL version is available however the 7 day trial is not.
Ad Peeps has always had a trial of the download version. However, we
found that some hackers would download the trial, write code to disable
our license system and then resell the software.
We soon would get support inquiries from unsuspecting customers for a
product that we couldn't validate.
To help prevent this fraud, the trial is no longer available. Since the hosted
system uses the SAME software files, we recommend clients signup for a
free 7 day hosted account at hosted.adpeeps.com
If they like (and we're sure you will), purchase the Download version if
We are getting an error, PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare imageScale()+
PHP 5.5 introduced a function called imagescale -- Ad Peeps also had
same function name which presented conflict. We renamed our function
to ap_imagescale.
If you are getting this error, it means you are using a version of Ad
Peeps lower than 9.1.14a since we patched this version and higher.
We always recommend customers stay up with updates because we not
only add enhancements but we keep up with what PHP is doing to keep
our software fully compatible.
How can I move my Ad Peeps to a new server?+
There are a few steps that need to be undertaken. They are outlined below:
1. Ensure both are on same version since the tables need to be the same.
2. Move the uploaded_banners folder to the new server as this is where your uploaded
banners are stored.
3. The mysql database needs to be extracted using a tool like PHPMyADMIN and imported
into the new mysql database
4. You wouldn't need to run the setup program because you have imported the database and
its structure.
5. Your mysqlauth.php would need to be updated to connect to the new mysql server on the
new server.
We no longer get lifetime updates.+
When Ad Peeps started in 2003 we offered "unlimited" licenses and free
updates for life. Due to widespread abuse and customers "Reselling" our
licenses, this adversely impacted our business and sales.
To protect our business model and provide value add to customers we
discontinued the offering of the unlimited license, in addition updates will
be offered at a nominal yearly fee ($10-15 per year).
For customers who wish to remain grandfathered in on the old deal, we
will do the following:
1. Provide absolutely free security only updates to their existing version
of the software indefinitely. However, new enhancements, general bug
fixes, etc are not included.
2. This will also allow the use of the unlimited license on the older
versions of the software.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this causes but most users have no
problem with solutions that are fair and equatable to both parties. As a
business, we sometimes have to refine our model to offer the best value
without raising prices significantly.
Can I use Ad Peeps on....? -
Yes! Ad Peeps can be used on WordPress, Joomla, Geodesic
Solutions, vBulletin, Meeplace and others. Its far too many
to name.
To put it simply, you can use Ad Peeps on any website that
allows you to paste html snippet as the code is basic
javascript or regular image tags.
We recommend you try the software in the trial period on the
hosted site (hosted.adpeeps.com) to
ensure it fits your needs
Can this be used on Windows?+
Yes as long as it has PHP/MYSQL. For hosted customers, there
is no software to install or database needed.
How to integrate Joomla! with Ad Peeps+
By using Ad Peeps with Joomla!, you gain more control over
your advertising. You can sell and accept payments on your
Joomla! created site from end-to-end as well as provide
powerful, real-time statistics and graphs to your
advertisers. You can start showing ads through Ad Peeps
using Joomla! in 4 easy steps
See the guide at
How to integrate Meeplace with Ad Peeps+
Meeplace is a Business Review CMS that allows you to create
your own review site just like Yelp. In partnership with Ad
Peeps, Meeplace customers can now easily integrate the #1
commercial banner ad management system, Ad Peeps
(http://www.adpeeps.com), into their Meeplace community with
ease. With just a few simple steps, Meeplace sites can sell
“targeted” advertising at the category and subcategory
levels and accept online payments directly into their
Authorize.net, 2checkout , InstaPay, or PayPal accounts.
View Integration guide at
How to integrate Geodesic Classifieds with Ad Peeps+
Is this possible to integrate Multi-User Account Add-On on the
Hosted Solution?+
No. The mult-admin add on which allows you to create
separate instances of Ad Peeps under 1 domain is only
available to download customers due to how our pricing
structure is on the hosted system.
I have a flash banner but want an alternative type
(GIF/JPG/PNG) to show up for visitors that do not have flash
capability on their device. Is there any way to do this?+
Ad Peeps does not support alternative ads for flash ads
however, you could upload a GIF/JPG/PNG ad and it would be
shown in regular rotation along side the flash ad.
You could also turn on Ad Grouping in the HTML Generator so
that only one ad at a time would be selected.
With this approach, your flash enabled visitors would
sometimes see the regular ads, and also sometimes the flash.
For the visitors who don't support flash, they would ONLY
get the regular images.
Is there a wordpress plugin?+
Ad Peeps initially had a Wordpress plugin. However, as their
software changed we had to keep our plugin up to date to
remain compatible.
We no longer support the plugin. However, its not needed to
use Ad Peeps as we have made our software fully compatible
with most software packages that allow you to insert HTML
making the plug-in and the hassle of maintaining it
Do you provide a module for Drupal 7 platform?+
Yes, you can use Ad Peeps on any website that
allows you to paste html snippet as the code is basic
javascript or regular image tags.
Drupal 7 doesn't allow certain tags which Ad Peeps uses. In
order to use our code here simply configure the PHP Filter
module of Drupal 7, which allows script tags in blocks.
Consult your Drupal manual or their online community for
assistance with how to set this up.
How can I use my PayPal Account to accept online payments
from advertisers?+
Ad Peeps and PayPal work well together to accept PayPal.
You will need:
1. CURL Library - Already configured on Hosted system
2. IPN turned on - Within your PayPal Account.
Access the Howto PayPal Guide at
What Payment Gateways are supported?+
Our gateways supported are:
There are 1 or 2 more that are coded in but are not
maintained by our development team -- they were added as a
customization for some clients that needed and we ship with
core product to ensure backwards compatibility for those users.
Will your PayPal IPN URL interfere with any of my other 3 IPNs+
You just need to have IPN turned ON within your PayPal Account. Ad Peeps
will Pass PayPal our own URL so it won't interfere with what you have setup
What are your support hours?-
Our support hours are 24/7, however to keep cost low and to
provide you -- our customers the best value in class,
support inquires should be used using our Customer
Interaction System (CIS) located at
With this system you can see which order in line you are
compared with other customers, the percentage of inquiries
we answer within 24 hours, as well as a full history of your
interaction with us.
I would rather speak to someone!+
To provide the absolute best-in-class service, we do not
offer telephone support. Our Customer Interaction System
(CIS) allows us to help customers as efficiently as possible
while keeping operational cost down -- we in turn pass these
savings on directly you (no fees for updates, low TCO of
Unlike many companies, we are open 365 -- including Christmas.
However, if we provided enough staff needed to manage a call
center this would lead to very expensive cost (overhead) we
would be forced to pass to our customers.
Since our focus is on small and medium size businesses --
this is not our intention.
We know that nothing really can compensate for that
one-on-one interaction in a phone which is why we have went
to great lengths to add every possible question we could
think of to our FAQ as well as offer online support thats
responsive and helpful.
Where are you located?+
IMPACT Software Company is based in the United States of
America and is located in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Our mailing address is:
3020-I Prosperity Church Road
Suite 173
Charlotte, North Carolina 28269
Scope of Support+
Our staff answers hundreds of questions in regards to Ad
Peeps -- configuration, best use, recommendations, ect.
The following are generally topics within scope of support.
1. PHP/MYSQL compatibility - ensuring Ad Peeps works with
the supported PHP and MYSQL versions and keeping up with updates
2. Troubleshooting issues such as ads not showing, ect.
Outside the scope of support however are things like
performance, capacity planning ect. To review performance we
often need specialized
tools, ssh access, view server logs, memory, cpu information
all of which is not typically available.
We also don't provide support for issues for layout problems
that are caused by your website design, style sheets ect.
This is for a webmaster to troubleshoot.
How can I pay for Ad Peeps?-
We except Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover,
as well as PayPal.
How is my credit card information protected?+
Ad Peeps processes orders through our parent company, IMPACT
Software Company or through PayPal.
All orders are processed securely using 256 bit SSL
protection, in addition our payment server is PCI compliant.
Lastly, we do not store ANY credit card information on our
servers or in our office. When we process it in real-time,
it is passed to our payment processor, and the order is
Do you accept checks?+
We have the ability to accept checks using PayPal however be
advised that the order won't be processed until the check
clears which can be a few days.
We recommend you not for pay software using a check unless
you really have to. Credit Cards are processed right away
and access is granted immediately.
What is the multi-admin module?+
Ad Peeps has only one administrative account, known as
"admin". Suppose however you wanted to manage the ads on
another domain you owned without purchasing additional
licenses. This add-on would allow you to use your same
license but have "multiple administrator" accounts on one
licensed system.
By purchasing the multiple administrator add-on module, you
will be able to generate UNLIMITED additional administrator
accounts enabling you to separate your database and have
virtual instances of Ad Peeps running from just one single copy.
What is the coupon module?+
The Ad Peeps coupon module allows the Ad Peeps administrator
to create "coupon codes" to distribute to potential
advertisers, use in sales materials, ect. Once a valid
coupon code is entered, Ad Peeps will discount the order
based on a set percentage associated with the coupon code or
a dollar amount.
Coupon codes can be set to expire on a certain date and/or
can have a maximum number of uses. For example, you could
offer 10% off an ad package to the first 50 customers. After
the coupon code has been entered 50 times, it would expire.
Or you could set the coupon to expire on a certain date (ie
Christmas 2007).
This module is a single file that requires no additional
installation steps and once purchased, Ad Peeps will
automatically recognize and unlock these powerful features.
Should I use the Hosted of the Download Version?+
They are essentially the same product with one hosted by us
and one installed on your web server.
We have put together a small 2 page guide to help you decide
which is best for you, as one has a larger one-time upfront
cost, but you are responsible for taking care of a lot of
the technical details.
The other has a small monthly fee, but over time this adds up.
What is Ad Peeps? How does it work?+
Ad Peeps is a banner and text ad management system. It
simply allows web publishers to automate the management of
their ad inventory.
With Ad Peeps, you can setup price list. Advertisers would
then review your price list, select an Ad Package that you
created and pay using your payment provider such as PayPal.
They can then create their account on the system, upload
their ad, and check their statistics.
A quick start guide is available at
When I change my credit card information I am charged again.+
For your protection, whenever a new credit card is updated (Non-PayPal) we charge the card immediately in order to
pass this information to our processor to update their records.
During this time we verify that the Address and Zip code matches, create an updated subscription etc.
We DO NOT Store your credit card data on our server which is why we charge again and send to processor to store
securely for re-billing.
If you are charged twice in same month; we automatically credit you at the end of the month as we audit the billings
or you can open a ticket to have this amount refunded sooner.
Each time I upload a banner, all I get is a red "x" for the
preview and the banner will not display on the site.-
Can you call the banner directly from the remote banner url?
The most common issue is that your banner url in the settings
(Other Features / Settings > Settings Configuration may not
be correct so its pointing to an incorrect url.
Another issue maybe with permissions.
Contact us for individual assistance and supply as much detail
as possible.
Is there a file size limit when uploading ads?+
For the hosted solution, Hosted creatives can be up to 1MB.
You can however further restrict your advertisers by setting
your own limit in the settings. (Other Features / Settings >
Settings / Configuration.
You however may not set a threshold higher than our 1 MB
limit or it will be ignored and the 1 MB will be used.
For download customers, you can adjust this to whatever
value you need.
When upgrading software, I encountered Error writing
file '/tmp/MYdhMaf4' (Errcode: 28)+
Ensure your /tmp folder is not full. This is a mysql error and
not Ad Peeps.
Work with your web host to resolve.
Ad Peeps is not sending advertisers link after successfully
paying with PayPal.+
There are many workflows that need to be enabled in order
for this functionality to work.
1. First ensure that it says "Connected" under Curl on the
settings screen (Other Features / Settings > Settings /
Ad Peeps uses CURL to contact PayPal.
2. Ensure you have enabled IPN in your PayPal Merchant
3. View IPN History from your PayPal Account, this will tell
you the status of the notifications such as when they were
sent, what was sent and if it was successful.
All labels and descriptions are blank+
Ad Peeps uses a language file located at
the /supplmental/default_language_text.csv
In this file, all of the external advertiser facing pages are
contained inside.
1) Ensure this file is present and the latest one from the
2) Login as admin, click "Other Features / Settings >
Settings / Configuration"
Then navigate to the "Language" section, check the Reload
Language File and click Save.
Ad Peeps will try to reload the file into the database.
When using the software, we receive a Warning: getdate()
In recent versions of PHP you may get:
Warning: getdate() [function.getdate]: It is not safe to rely on
the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the
date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set()
function. In case you used any of those methods and you are
still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the
timezone identifier. We selected 'America/New_York'
for 'EDT/-4.0/DST'
Open the mysqlauth.php and UNCOMMENT (remove the hash
tag) in front of:
When installing/upgrading Ad Peeps, we receive the following
error Call to undefined function mysqli_connect+
Ad Peeps uses the MYSQLI extention to connect to the
database. The old mysql library is being desupported in future
PHP Releases.
According to PHP, If you are using MySQL versions 4.1.3 or
later it is strongly recommended that you use this extension.
This extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and will be
removed in the future. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL
extension should be used.
To resolve, contact your webhost and have them enable
RocketFlare is blocking my ads+
Ad Peeps is not compatible with this service. To disable
Rocketflare, add the following:
to your Ad Peeps program.
How do I show an advertiser more than others?-
Ad weighting allows you to manipulate Ad Peep’s probability
system so that some ads are shown more than others. Ad
Peeps uses five different weighting options to control ad
probability; High, Medium-High, Medium, Medium-Low, and
These settings can be found as the administrator by clicking
on Edit Ad Settings.
A full detailed explanation can be found in our User Manual at
Do you have a user manual?+
Does any of my ads get deleted during an upgrade?+
No. Ad Peeps retains ALL information, banner ads, settings
while upgrading. Only an "install" will erase your current data
in the tables so be sure to select the correct option when
running the upgrade/install program.
How to Determine Your Ad Peeps Version+
To determine which version of Ad Peeps you can always view
the version.txt file in your /adpeeps directory. In addition, Ad
Peeps displays the current version on the ‘Administrator Login
How do I move my Ad Peeps Installation to a Different Web
In may be necessary to copy your Ad Peeps software to a
new web host.
You will need FTP access to both old and new web host and
PHPMYADMIN access on the new web host.
1. Download old Ad Peeps files from old FTP server including
the uploaded_banners folder (contains uploaded images) and
re-upload onto your new webhost in same directory structure.
This will put the software files on the new web server.
2. Create a new database on your new web host.
3. From Ad Peeps, Login As Administrator > Other Features /
Settings > Perform System Maintenance.
Scroll down to the Backup section. Highlight ALL the pre-
selected Tables and click Create Backup File
4. Click Create Backup File and save file to a location on your
harddrive… ie Desktop
5. Now login to your database you created in Step 2 using
Select the Database Name on the left.
Click the Import Tab and Import the Backup you saved
earlier from the file you saved.
NOTE:NOTE: If your file is too large to upload, you will need
to backup a few tables at a time, not all of them and import
6. Modify the mysqlauth.php on the new web server. It will
most likely contain mysql database information from the old
web host and should be adjusted to point to your new
database on your new web host.
Your ads should now be appearing on your new web host.
How do we implement a cachebuster on a Javascript banner?+
Ad Peeps rich-media ads can implement cache bursting techniques.
In the rich-media field, insert
where you
would like
the cache bursting code to be inserted.
Ad Peeps will insert a random number in this place each time
the ad code is called.
How-to Change Language in Ad Peeps?+
Ad Peeps ad management software is built and supported in
the English language however, our customers are from across
the world where English is not the primary first language.
In addition, you may wish to change the wording of some of
the text on various screens.
The following screens currently can be translated into
another language:
1. Login Screen
2. Advertiser Statistics
3. Ad Rates Card
4. Advertiser Statistics
5. Account Information
6. Advertiser Payment History
7. Advertiser Graphs
8. Order Review/Confirmation Screen
9. Advertiser Signup
Review the following guide for step-by-step instructions:
How-to Guide to Displaying and Tracking Rich-Media/Flash
Ads as well as properly use the clickTAG+
Image advertising varies from standard GIF, JPG, PNG to
more interactive ad technologies such as Flash,
or rich-media (HTML Ads), Google Ad Sense or Adsense. Ad Peeps can
handle them all
however the setup varies.
This guide will illustrate how to configure Rich-Media and/or
Flash ads using Ad Peeps and is available at
How do I change my admin password?+
When you login as admin, click on Other Features / Settings
> Change Admin Password.
I lost / forgot my password!+
If you have lost or forgot your password, you can reset it
by clicking on the Forgot Password link on the Login screen.
If a password hint was supplied, we will send you the hint
instead. You will then be allowed to reset if you still
don't remember.
Can we move an ad from one advertiser to another?+
Yes. Login as administrator and click "Edit Ad Settings"
next to the ad you want to move. Then, click on the "Other" Tab.
There is a section that says Re-assign/Move to Advertiser.
Select the advertiser you want to move the ad to and the
software will link the ad to that new advertiser.
Click Save All Changes
Ad Peeps is not tracking clicks!+
Ad Peeps automatically records clicks for any standard image
(GIF, JPG, PNG) uploaded to the software or served via
remote URL.
However, rich-media ads, such as Google Ad Sense do not
track clicks because the html code is NOT served by Ad Peeps
and is generated on the 3rd party website.
They have full control over the the linkback url. Ad Peeps
however records the impressions for these types of ads.
How to load different banners of the same size sequentially,
without duplicates?+
Ad Peeps has the ability to show ads in order – meaning
sequentially or in multiple locations without duplicates.
This allows you to have multiple spots on the page without
the same banner showing twice per page load.
There are two possible ways to set this up.
Follow the guild at http://www.adpeeps.com/howto_orderads.pdf
How do I setup an advertiser?+
How do I sell advertising on my website?+
Ad Peeps allow you to setup advertisers one of two ways. (1)
Manually, as the administrator and (2) allowing your
advertisers to setup their own ads.
In order for advertisers to setup their own ads in an
automated fashion, you will first need to setup a "Price List".
The Price List defines some common settings that will be pre-
populated for the advertiser such as target zones, ad sizes,
file size limits etc.
It is here that you also define how much the ad will cost, min.
quantities, etc.
To access this feature, Login As Admin
In the Main Menu - Quick Navigation click Other Features /
Settings > Sell Advertising / Setup Price List
On that page you will find the LINK that you would provide to
your advertisers to view the Ad Packages you setup.
Review Our Guide Here:
How can I manually add a payment from an advertiser?+
Login As Administrator and click "Other Features / Settings
> View Previously Advertising Orders" from the Main Menu.
Here you will see all of the payments received by Ad Peeps
from your advertisers.
You can then click the "Manually Add Payment" link to
manually add and link a payment to an advertiser.
If you would like to software to send the advertiser a link
to setup their own account after manually adding a payment
ensuring the following fields and populated:
1. Ad Package - Select a package from drop down list that
the advertiser ordered
2. Transaction ID - Enter Transaction ID or Check Number of
another reference number
3. Subscription ID - If available from PayPal
4. Description - Not required but good to identify the
package for reporting
5. Quantity
6. E-mail Setup Link? Check This box
7. Email Address
Save by clicking the Update Details button.
Ad Peeps will send a link to the advertising to setup their ad.
How can advertisers renew their ad?+
Ad Peeps will notify advertisers that their ad is about to
expire 10 and 3 days prior to expiration and then finally once
the ad has expired.
The advertiser can then login to their control panel and (1)
Reactive the expired ad once it expires or (2) Browse other
available ad packages (if you have set them up)
In order for an advertiser to get the link to Re-Active the Ad,
they must have an entry in the Payment History Screen.
This is created automatically when the advertiser purchases
an ad for the first time using Ad Peeps or you can "Manually
Add Payment" and link the order with the existing Advertiser
and Ad no.
When they login, the system would then know which package
the ad is linked to and offer them the opportunity to "Re-
Activate" the ad.
A quick guide is located here:
How do I change the timezone the software uses?+
The timezone setting is maintained in the mysqlauth.php file.
//################### Set Your System TimeZone
Update the value with the variable representing the timezone
you want Ad Peeps to calculate statistics, scheduling based on.
America/New_York = Eastern Standard
America/Los_Angeles = Pacific Time
America/Denver = Mountain Daylight Time
List can be found at:
//################### Set Your System TimeZone
In the Ad Rates Page, targeting zones for Advertiser are
pre-selected. Can I overwrite this?+
By design, Ad Peeps allows you to “pre-define” the target
zone that an advertiser will be placed in when ordering
advertising. This simplifies the ordering process and
eliminates the ambiguity out of the naming convention.
For example, you may call a zone on your homepage “HMZ” but
an advertiser wouldn’t necessarily know this means “ Home
Page Zone”.
For classified software packages however (i.e.
http://geodesicsolutions.com/) you may have hundreds of
categories and sub-categories which would make creating an
Ad Package for each combination impractical.
Ad Peeps allows you to easily override the target zone in
the Ad Package. This would enable advertisers to visit your
classified site and visit the ad rates page from the page
they want to advertise on. Ad Peeps will then place their
banner in that category/subcategory upon ordering.
http://www.adpeeps.com/howto_zoneoverride.pdf for
Can I sort /show text ads alphabetically?+
How to weight ads (Ad Prioritization)+
An ad weight, also referred to as ad prioritization is the
ability to display an ad more or less often than other
eligible ads qualified to show.
By default, Ad Peeps will attempt to display ads randomly
but fairly evenly giving no preferential treatment to one
over another.
http://www.adpeeps.com/howto_weighting.pdf for setup
My ad is not displaying/showing+
Can we show complimentary (Companion Ads) together?+
How to Designate Ad As Default Ad+
Ad Peeps uses a variety of settings to decide which ads
qualify to be shown. Some of these include Ad Size, Target
Zone, Impression or Click limits, etc.
In the event Ad Peeps can't find any eligible ads to show, it
will use the least restrictive settings and look for any ads that
are (1) the same size of spot its trying to show AND (2) the
ad is marked as default.
If available, Ad Peeps will show that ad to your visitor
instead. The Default Ad concept simply allows you to
show "something" there instead of a blank spot. Default ads
are not counted against impressions.
Some good uses of a Default ad would be to designate
an "Advertiser Here" banner as a default ad.
To Designate An Ad As "Default Ad"
Edit the Ad Settings of Ad > Other Tab > Click ON next to
Default Ad
The onmouseover feature is not working.+
Status Bar Scripting--Scripts will no longer be able to set
the status bar text through the window.status and
window.defaultStatus methods by default in the Internet and
Restricted Zones. This helps prevent attackers from
leveraging those methods to spoof the status bar. To revert
to previous behavior and allow scripts to set the status bar
through window.status and window.defaultStatus, follow these
Open Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, click
Internet Options, and then click the Security tab.
Click Internet or Restricted sites, and then click the
Custom level button.
Scroll down to Allow status bar updates via script,
select Enable.
Click OK until you return to Internet Explorer.
Do I need to update the html code each time I add/remove an advertiser?+
No. Ad HTML is controlled by two factors (1) Ad Size and (2) Target Zone.
Unless you are changing any of those then the html code does not need
to be generated.
When called Ad Peeps will look for ads matching that size and the target
Does Ad Peeps support even ad distribution?+
This is done in the HTML Generator. On the HTML Generator
Screen there is an option that says "Ad Grouping" by default
it's off, turn on and use this code.
With Ad Grouping, if the advertiser has more than 1 ad, it
will select 1 randomly and use that one when deciding which
to show compared to other ads.
With this setting off, it would take all the ads and then
decide. Because the advertiser has more ads than other
advertisers they may get an unfair advantage in terms of
impression favor.
How to keep an ad from rotating?+
You can do this by utilizing "target zones". If an ad is the only ad within a
target zone -- it won't rotate because it has no competition. This is how
get ads that would otherwise rotate to stay static.
1. Login as Administrator
2. Click "Setup Target Zones"
3. Create a NEW Zone (eg non-rotate)
4. Assign your Ad and only this ad to this new zone
5. Generate the html code
Can I utilize memcached for caching statistics?+
Yes, starting in version 9.1.15 Ad Peeps uses MemCached for the
following statistics:
1. Statistics Snapshot (Main Screen)
2. Overall Statistics
3. Advertiser Statistics
4. Ad Statistics
When enabled, Ad Peeps will download the data from the SQL server and
cache them up to the number of minutes specified. When users refresh
the page, they will be served the same statistics from the cache instead
of rerunning the MYSQL query.
To enable, open mysqlauth.php and add the following variable:
$enable_memcache = 15; // Number of MINUTES to Cache Statistics
If disabled, Ad Peeps will retrieve statistics in real-time. This feature is
useful on a large database where constant statistics pulls are causing the
queries to become slow on the database.
Adblockers is blocking Ad Peeps+
Adblockers is Content filtering software designed to block ads. Unfortunately
Ad Peeps is a banner ad serving software. As such this software and updates
MAY block our ads.
My Ad Peeps Statistics are HIGHER than my website counter.+
When viewing your statistics, you may see that your impressions are more than your website
visitors. Most time this is expected and can be clearly explained.
For the most part, website counters are counting "visitors" to your website. If the visit 1 or 10
pages on your website -- typically they are counted as ONE visitor.
Ad Peeps and more ad rotators work differently as we are not trying to count your website
visitors but how many times we display an individual ad to your website visitor.
Take this example:
If you have 2 web pages on your website and 2 banner ads on each page (top and bottom).
Let's then assume you have 5 visitors to your website.
Your website counter may tell you that you have had 5 visitors.
Ad Peeps would report that you had 20 impressions.
5 Visitors X 2 Pages X 2 Banners Per Page.
As you can see your Ad Peeps statistics will almost always be higher than your website statistics
and that's expected.
You can view which users where showing you're ads too -- we're very transparent. Login and
click the Magnifying glass next to Visitor Report on the Main Page